IT consulting company

Consultants in IT & Marketing

We have a large network of skilled IT consultants ready to help your business

> IT consulting company

Consulting companies in Stockholm

Professional consultants in IT & marketing

In an increasingly digitalized world, the need for qualified IT consultants is more important than ever. Our team consists of developers with specialized skills in various development languages, designers, business developers, digital marketers and other specialist roles that can give you a competitive edge in your industry. We offer customized solutions that meet your business' unique requirements and challenges. 

Contact us today and get a business plan tailored to your needs. Call us on +46 704 55 14 48 or email


Systems & services

Programming languages


Contact us for help with IT consultant staffing

Contact us today for a first meeting and tell us more about your company and what you offer and we will develop a customized proposal. You can reach us most easily on +46 704 55 14 48 or via email at

Contact us with questions or to request a quote

Do you have a question about our services, how we work or do you want a quote for a collaboration? You can easily reach us by emailing, call us on +46 704 55 14 48 or fill out the contact form below and we will contact you to schedule a digital meeting.

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